Laravel Security Best Practices for Your Website

Laravel Security Best Practices for Your Website

Laravel is known to be a secure PHP framework for creating websites and applications. Those with a need for high levels of protection often choose Laravel. We will review the key Laravel security features that will help you keep your website and business safe. You might also like: Ultimate PHP Security Best Practices Laravel Security Features Laravel’s security feature ensures that developers can now use virtually every aspect of the process safely. Furthermore, all the

Laravel Eloquent Amazing Tips and Tricks

Laravel Eloquent Amazing Tips and Tricks

Certain tasks within Laravel’s Eloquent ORM can become very repetitive and tedious within larger applications.There’s a lot of semi-hidden functions and less-known ways to achieve more with it. In this article, I will show you a few tricks. Increments and Decrements Instead of this:   $article  =  Article :: find ( $article_id ) ; $article-> read_count++ ; $article-> save ( ) ;     You can do this:   $article&

Introducing Laravel Nova - Advance Idea InfoTech

Introducing Laravel Nova - Advance Idea InfoTech

At Laracon US 2018[Taylor Otwell] introduced Laravel Nova, a very shiny admin panel for Laravel applications. I’m thrilled to announce the newest member of the Laravel ecosystem: Laravel Nova. Nova is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel. We’ve sweat the small details and carefully crafted Nova to not only look great, but to be a joy to work with. In this post, I’ll go over the key features of Nova; however, be sure to watch the recording of m